
Sunday, September 12, 2010

I make stupid decisions when I'm sick

Actually, I make stupid decisions all the time, they just carry more weight when I'm sick.

Yesterday evening I was feeling much less like a zombie after loading up on mucinex (the children's kind in powder form that tastes like strawberry pixie stix unless you chew them...then they taste like death) and decided it would be an excellent idea to go to my friend's party! This wasn't going to be a hugely intense dancing and music party with crazy alcohol-ness (although there was definitely alcohol) so I figured it would be fine. I did not make the stupid decision to drink alcohol. One point for me! (Alcohol=immunity fail) 

The birthday girl gave me ecinaecia (which spell check doesn't seem to think exists so it's probably spelled wrong) in gummy form and vitamin C tablets because she is awesome and I was like "This will be excellent! I can be at the party, not get anyone sick by washing my hands constantly, and get better all at the same time! I am BRILLIANT!" That was entirely incorrect.

(BTW why has my spacing suddenly changed? Stupid copy and pasting ecinaecia...)

So my roommate locks herself out of the house because she grabbed my spare car keys on her way out instead of her own and we had to leave after 2 hours. During that 2 hours, I ate a cupcake. I love cupcakes. Cupcakes are the best thing anyone has ever invented! Cupcakes are bad for sick diabetics who are trying to keep their blood sugars down. This was my second stupid decision of the night.

So we get home to let poor roommate back into the house and I decide that eating 2 giant cookies with loads of icing in the middle is now the best idea EVER. This was not the best idea ever. It might have been the most delicious idea ever, but not the best. Stupid decision number three.

Then we stayed up until 2am playing the Scott Pilgrim video game. That makes four.

So this morning I wake up with slight throat swelling that makes me feel like I'm going to choke and die at any second even though I know that is most definitely not the case and I'm out of children's mucinex and I hate myself for making stupid decisions when I'm sick. I'm definitely back to being a zombie and spell check also doesn't believe that mucinex is a word. My poor students are never going to get their homeworks back at this rate.

Note: I did wake up and pour myself into my boyfriend's car to go buy more mucinex, insulin (because I ran out of that last night and had to draw a cartridge out of 3 mostly empty bottles last night) and a vitamin water this morning. Vitamin water is good when you're sick, right? It has vitamins! Ignore the fact that it also has sugar in it. It's delicious and I hate regular water so it will have to do.


  1. Oh god, poor girl! :( Feel better tomorrow I hope?

  2. Still sick...but now I have prescription medications!
